Nail fungus can cause many problems not only to the infected person, but also to his loved ones. The disease is transmitted through personal contact and in general household conditions. This fact means only one thing - the fungus must be treated without fail, and the measures must be comprehensive: if the problem arises on the nails, then it is also present on the skin of the feet. In addition, local drugs must be combined with oral drugs. This is the only way to beat the disease at home.
Preparation and Precautions
Nail fungus (onychomycosis) is a disease caused by fungi - dermatophytes, microsporia, etc. , so it is very important to consult a doctor at the first symptoms. After the examination, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations to confirm the diagnosis and choose an effective therapy. If you also want to use folk remedies, you need to talk to your doctor. Consultation with an expert will allow you to deal with the problem effectively and safely.
It is important to use the medicine according to the doctor's instructions and recommendations, because some medicines can give negative results when in contact with the skin.
If you or someone in the family has nail fungus, special attention must be paid to hygiene to avoid infecting those who are still healthy.
Why fungi appear and their types
Fungal spores are microscopic and live where a person lives. About 70, 000 fungi are known, but those that cause disease are the most dangerous.
How does it turn out that one person is healthy, and the other "caught" the fungus? The following reasons may contribute to this:
- Leg wounds, abrasions, calluses.
- Violation of personal hygiene.
- Decreased body defenses.
- Excessive sweating of the feet (hyperhidrosis).
The type of fungus that affects the nail plate can only be determined by a dermatologist after passing the test. Sometimes it is possible to understand by visual inspection the species that causes the disease:
- Dermatophytes. Lesions appear as yellowish spots or bands. The progressive stage is characterized by the acquisition of a brighter shade and the defeat of the entire plate.
- Yeast. They affect the color and structure of the nail folds, causing inflammation and pus.
- moldyThey do not penetrate very deep and appear as dark and black spots.
Keep in mind that the stronger the lesion, the clearer the symptoms and signs of the fungus.
Symptoms and signs of damage
Successful treatment directly depends on correct and timely diagnosis. If you pay attention to yourself, be sure to look at the manifestation of fungus on the toenails. The following symptoms and signs should be reported:
- Change the color of the plate. The color may indicate the type of fungus that causes the disease. You may notice yellow, gray, black, green and blue spots on your nails.
- Changes in nail density. If you notice thinning or, conversely, thickening of the nails, you need to visit a doctor.
- Itching and burning. Occurs systematically and causes discomfort.
- Violation of plate integrity. Nails may become cracked. Also, dry skin on the heel indicates a fungal infection.
Unpleasant sensations arise due to the effects of fungal toxins on the skin and nails, so the sooner you see a doctor and start treatment, the sooner full recovery will come. If the fungus is not treated, you can completely lose the nail or several nail plates. Also, toxins poison the body and can trigger eczema.
An effective method of people's struggle
Folk methods will help get rid of fungus, especially in the early stages. I present the most common recipes to combat this disease.
Used for bathing. Preparation for the procedure is simple: take 5 liters of water at a temperature of 50 degrees, add 9% acetic acid and place your feet in the container. This procedure lasts for 15 minutes, after which the feet are wiped dry and cotton socks are put on.
Hydrogen peroxide
First, the feet are steamed in a soda bath, after which the damaged area of the nail plate is removed. Next, a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide is applied to the nail and covered with polyethylene. Such a compress should remain for an hour. This procedure is carried out twice a day.
Platinum nails are rubbed with tincture of iodine 2 times a day. You can also make a bath by adding 3 liters of water and 2 teaspoons of iodine.
Propolis has an antimycotic effect on the skin of the feet and nail plates when using tinctures and as part of ointments and baths. Add a spoonful of propolis to a basin of water. After the procedure, you can apply the medicine for half an hour to the focus of the disease.
Potassium permanganate and vinegar
Baths with potassium permanganate and vinegar also work well with fungus. To prepare the product, add one liter of table vinegar and a little potassium permanganate to 3 liters of water. The course of treatment is 7 days.
Essential oil
Apply a little oil to your wrist to test for allergies. If after 12 hours no strange signs appear, you can use medicine to fight the fungus. The most effective option is tea tree oil. 5 drops of oil are needed per liter of liquid. And the extract itself is applied to the nail plate after the cleaning procedure.
herbal decoction
- Sage and mint. Can be taken orally as a tea or used in the bath. The infusion is drunk throughout the day, and the bath is done before going to bed.
- Calamus root. For 250 ml of water, take 15 g of chopped root. Boiling helps fight various infections. Drink for a month.
- Japanese sophora. It has proven itself as an effective tool to improve immunity, helping to normalize the function of internal organs. To prepare the tincture, take 0. 5 vodka and add 50 g of sophora fruit to it. Take a teaspoon before meals. Course - 2 months.
- Oak bark. It has a bad effect on mold and helps get rid of fungus. The bath is prepared as follows: combine 1 liter of liquid with 5 tbsp. spoon bark and boil for 20 minutes. Use for bathing when the temperature of the broth reaches 40 degrees. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.
Sold in the form of an ointment. You can buy 10% or 30% medicine to achieve the effect. It should be used after the water procedure before going to bed. The affected nail is covered with ointment.
tea mushroom
A small piece is applied to the affected nail and fixed with a bandage. In the morning, the bandage is removed, the nails are washed with warm water, the damaged area is cut and the fingers are treated with hydrogen peroxide.
Compresses and tinctures
- Garlic. To treat toenail fungus, you can use gruel from plants. You need to cook it every evening and apply it for 40 minutes.
- Rowan left. Mix and apply overnight.
- Thyme. Colored prepared from dried plants. It will take 100 g of thyme and 2 liters of water. You need to steam your feet every day until recovery occurs.
- Lilac. Coloring will also help get rid of fungus. For 100 ml of alcohol, 10 g of violets are needed. The affected area is lubricated until the problem disappears completely.
Pharmaceutical preparations and creams
When fungal symptoms appear, topical treatment should be started as soon as possible. For this, pharmacy creams, varnishes, drops will go.
Tablets will also help to achieve maximum effectiveness in the fight against this disease. They are combined with external preparations. At the pharmacy, you can buy products with various prices and effectiveness.
Removal of affected nails
Ways to remove affected nails are also used, but already in a critical state.
- chemical substance. Performed in a dermatology office. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. The doctor removes the stratum corneum with a special nail file and scalpel. Then the doctor treats the entire surface of the feet and nails with an antiseptic, after which he applies an ointment paste. Sterile material is applied on top, the affected finger is bandaged. After 4 days, the area is cleaned with an antiseptic and treated with an antifungal agent.
- mechanical. A mycologist or dermatologist removes the affected nail with a special tool. Before and after the procedure, the feet are treated with an antiseptic solution.
- Surgery. It is considered obsolete in medical practice. Manipulation is performed by a surgeon. The patient is given local anesthesia with lidocaine solution. After removal, the wound is treated with hydrogen peroxide, an antiseptic ointment is applied, a sterile bandage is applied, followed by fixation with a bandage. In the evening, the finger must be kept in a saline solution. Bandaging is done in the clinic.
What is the best way to treat advanced athlete's foot?
One of the modern methods to get rid of fungus on the feet and nails is treatment with laser therapy. This technique is used in cases where traditional topical treatment and treatment with oral preparations have failed. The advantages of this procedure are amazing:
- pain;
- no side effects;
- performance.
But laser fungus removal also has contraindications:
- diabetes.
- The presence of an acute inflammatory process.
- Violations in the function of internal organs.
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- The presence of skin diseases.
- Oncological diseases.
- Tan.
- Chemical exfoliation.
Preparation for laser exposure is done as follows: steam the damaged nail and cut as much as possible. Get the test first. The duration of treatment is about 6 procedures.
Features of the treatment of fungus during pregnancy
Fungal treatment during childbirth has its own characteristics. It is necessary to take into account the fact that pregnancy imposes some restrictions on the expectant mother, therefore, when eliminating the problem, only topical preparations are used.
The use of therapeutic varnish is recommended. First of all, expectant mothers should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and receive recommendations for future treatment.
If a pregnant woman has had a fungus before, she should carry out prophylaxis to avoid aggravation of the disease during this critical period.
Doctors' opinions and comments about home treatment
Toenail fungus is a medical problem and should be dealt with by a qualified professional. It is important to consult a doctor in time to clarify the diagnosis, which also focuses on precautions when visiting public baths and saunas, swimming pools, bathing in hotels. These places are often a source of infection.
Self-diagnosis followed by self-treatment, according to experts, can worsen the situation, especially since some fungi are resistant to certain drugs. Only the right therapy will ensure a quick recovery and lasting results.
Doctors focus the attention of patients expecting a child on a mandatory visit to a specialist before pregnant women start using folk remedies and buying medicines at the pharmacy.
Prevention of the appearance of fungus
To avoid the appearance of nail fungus is only possible with systematic prevention. The following steps will help to achieve good results:
- Wash your feet with soap every day.
- Apply an antiseptic in the form of a spray or talc.
- Dry wet shoes thoroughly.
- If you visit a public bath, swimming pool, bring personal hygiene items, change shoes with you.
- Treat the manicure set regularly with an antiseptic.
Following these simple guidelines will help protect against foot and toenail fungus.
Your health depends entirely on your personal relationship with your body. If you have had fungus before or experience unusual symptoms, see a doctor to confirm the diagnosis or rule it out.
Pay attention to the appearance of itchy feet, peeling, changes in the structure and color of the nail plate, the appearance of spots or stripes. This will not only identify the disease, but also effectively deal with it. But the advanced stage of the fungus brings not only additional discomfort, but also has a negative effect on the health of the whole organism. In addition, there is an aesthetic side: the affected nails eventually fade, peel, and an unpleasant smell comes from the feet.